Wednesday 1 June 2011

newbie on the stylin' block.

Right now I'm listening to the timeless voice of Ellie Goulding whilst excitiiiiiiiingly typing this out for it is my FIRST EVER blog post for 'sunny style up'! The name of this blog was a bit of a headache to get to as a lot of blog names I thought up of were already taken sadly :( .However, by chance a light bulb came on (not literally folks!) and low and behold 'sunny style up' was born, Hallelujah! And what a day for it to be born on.1st of June, the first day of summer:).From here and now on,I hope my blog is like a ray of sunshine for the fashion world (well one can dream).

So what will 'sunny style up' entail?- is the poignant question I see swimming around your beautiful noggins. The answer is short and sweet my friends,for this blog will explore the wonders of fashion and the different fabulous styles entwined within it.Fashion as you may well know is forever rapidly evolving and changing so I would like to capture this spirit of fashion,by sharing fashion news,trend reports,posting fashion photography and anything and everything that centres around fashion.I will also intermingle highlights from my day.Perlease feel free to comment and follow...

Yours Truly,

C h a r l i e


Peace out.


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