Tuesday 21 June 2011

the world is your oyster

I admit it,whenever someone mentions the name 'Shakespeare' I automatically switch off into sleep mode.However this chap has said something which is completely true. 'The world is your oyster'.You can do whatever you want,you just need to hack it and grab your pearl of wisdom that leads you onto living life at its best.I'm talking very seriously because I have been to serious fair about Higher Education.As serious as it may sound it actually turned out quite fun.I certainly arrived in style, dropped off by a bright yellow 1960's bus and then I Walked proudly in my newly purchased primarni chinos and brogues.I found some fantastic universities who held the key to journalism, which is a course I hope to later study.And to top it off, I came away with 50 plus books,a hundred of naff  but brilliant biro's and a stick of Scarborough rock.Excellent.

How very Clam-orous..ha! Betty Spoke's,Oyster shell Dress.

ohhh & the not so glamorous yellow bus.

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